#1 in PlaystorenData Structures & Algorithms OfflinenExamples & Video Tutorials
#1 app for data structures and Algorithms in Playstore in 50+ countries ***200000+ downloads***Video Tutorials and Advanced TopicsRead Data Structures and Algorithms Offline. Easy to understandThis App enables reading concepts Offline (without the internet). Download our App and read it whenever you feel like. No internet connection is required.This App lets developers or CS students or Engineering students or anyone who is interested in learning easily review Data Structures and Algorithms from theory, implementation. If you are a programmer looking for your first programming job and preparing for coding interviews, or a student who is preparing for exams about data structures and algorithms, this app could be a right fit for youAll the algorithms and data structures are implemented in C. Its very easy to understand if you know C language. The recently added Interview questions section will help you in preparing for interviews. Solutions are provided in C language or C++ or Java languageCurrently, we are covering following topics:Interview Questions/ Examples Section:Array Questions String QuestionsLinked List questionsTree QuestionsData Structure OverviewData Structure BasicsArraysLinked listDoubly linked listCircular linked listStackExpression ParsingQueueTreesTree TraversalBinary Search TreeAVL TreeSpanning TreeGraph Data StructureDepth First TraversalBreadth First TraversalBreadth First TraversalAlgorithm BasicsAsymptotic AnalysisGreedy algorithmsDivide and conquerDynamic ProgrammingRecursion BasicsTower of HanoiFibonacci SeriesLinear SearchBinary SearchInterpolation SearchHash TableSorting AlgorithmsBubble SortInsertion SortSelection SortMerge SortShell SortQuick SortHeap SortAdded examples on Dynamic programming, Array, Strings, Linked Lists, Tree, GraphsIf you want us to add any new topics please Write to Us using the "Write to Us" option in our App.Added new chaptersFixed layout specific issues.